Detail information about the listing
FF&E: 733,300
Inventory: 6,300
Further Details: Location: Redwood City, CA
Inventory: Included in asking price
Real Estate: Leased
Building SF: 7,500
Lease Expiration: N A
Employees: 8
Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment (FF&E): Included in asking price
Facilities: Equipment, tools, suppplies
Competition: * No competition.
* Market 50 50 male and female between 25-55 years.
* High income demographic of tech workers and finance.
* Premium Retail Location next to Starbucks, Bed Bath & Beyond and blue chip tech companies.
Support & Training: Training materials are all through video from manufacturer support. Plus 2 week training and 1 month support.
Reason for Selling: Growth focussed. I turn businesses around and sell them when profitable.
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